Matcha Purin X Matcha Chocolate X Match Pocky – 抹茶プリンX抹茶チョコX抹茶Pocky

DSC00043My backlog of reviews to write is building up, so a quick rundown of three matcha products today, starting with Morinaga Matcha Purin. If you don’t know, purin is basically like crème caramel – a blancmange-like dessert with a dark syrup. This version is green tea flavour with brown sugar syrup at the bottom. The pudding is thick and wonderfully creamy, and the green tea aroma and taste are prominent without being overwhelming. The syrup at the base has a slightly bitter burnt flavour, like the surface of a crème brulée.

I’ve tried other matcha purin but Morinaga’s is by far the best so please hold out for this brand if you can find it. The Morinaga caramel purin is also delicious~


Sequoia Chocolate Matcha.

I’m not sure what brand this is, as I didn’t capture it in the photograph and I no longer have the wrapper, but you can find this at Daiso (100 yen shop) at 4 for 105 yen. These little bars are also available in some supermarkets and conbinis.


This is simply a layer of matcha cream sandwiched between two wafers with a milky fondant on top and a milk chocolate base, all enrobed in matcha chocolate with a woodgrain effect. For around 26 yen a piece this is a great value treat: it has a satisfying bite, the matcha flavour comes through and the wafer is crisp and light. Other flavours in this range include Strawberry, Milk Chocolate and Fruits Mix.


Anyone who’s made it to this blog probably already knows Pocky, the hugely popular biscuit sticks with a chocolate coating. When it comes to chocolate I don’t usually buy biscuit products, but I’ll try anything matcha.


The lovely jewel-green colour of these sticks, darker than the pale green of many matcha products, promises a rich and earthy taste, which is delivered. Whether you crunch through three at a time or just suck one slowly there is plenty of chocolatey flavour. I may have to try more Pocky in future.

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