Kanten-style Ujimatcha Jelly – 宇治抹茶の寒天風ゼリー(つぶあん入り)

ImageAfter so enjoying 7-eleven’s matcha anmitsu I was curious when in the supermarket I came across what looked like a cheap DIY version, though I realised later that while this product contains the basic elements of anmitsu it doesn’t claim to be anything more than jelly. That said, it makes a pretty good-looking bowlful once you decant the individually packaged jelly cubes and anko.


The syrup is fruity, like the sugary juice from a tin of peaches. The jelly is not as firm as kanten but fairly solid – it has a little bite to it. The flavour is hard to identify, it certainly doesn’t resemble matcha or even tea, it simply has a vaguely sweet and artificial taste of gelatin. On the other hand, the anko is authentic and delicious: sweet and with a good proportion of whole beans to beanpaste.


The unsweetened beans in the syrup have a slight sour sharpness to them, which makes a nice contrast to the bland jelly. On the whole this dessert is nice and the quality is no less than you’d expect from a cheap supermarket product, but if you like this kind of sweet it’s worth going out to a cafe or even making it yourself to experience the real taste of
matcha and kanten.

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