Next month: Kyoto Limited-edition Chocolates – 京都・東海・北陸・関西限定チョコレート


I gave up chocolate for Lent (not a religious thing, I just figure I’ll enjoy it even more if I take a break from it once a year) meaning that I can’t review any of the above until after Easter, so this is just a quick message about what’s coming up. I went to Kyoto this week and found Hello Kitty and Koinobori Tirol Choco, Matcha Apollo chocolates, Yatsuhashi KitKats and Houjicha KitKats, and finally in Nagoya airport I spotted Azuki Sando KitKats. I’m dying to try them all but in the meantime I have salt caramel, grape-flavoured chews, mochi, jellies and lots of other things to post so it will be a chocolate-free but still very, very sweet three weeks until Easter^^